ÖKOTEC develops and implements climate protection projects with ministries, government agencies, and associations at the national and international level, and frequently collaborates in multi-stakeholder project teams and consortiums. We are an experienced consultancy that develops implementation strategies for energy efficiency and energy management systems. We also assist funding agencies with a variety of topics, from the development of methodological approaches to the implementation of private-sector projects and public information campaigns.en.
Head of EnEffCo® Research & Development
Knut Grabowski
“An industrial partner in the EnPl-Connect project wrote in one progress report as follows: We just commenced the company-wide roll-out of energy performance indicators. Many thanks to ÖKOTEC.”
Success stories
The climate protection campaign of the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE)
The Plus-Plus Principle
The BVE recently launched a large-scale climate protection information campaign. Its goal is to train decision makers and energy managers in the food industry and motivate them to introduce climate measures. The BVE has cooperated with ÖKOTEC and other industry partners to develop educational offerings such as workshops, webinars, and checklists. The campaign also aims to reduce the climate impact of packaging in the food industry.
In addition, BVE is developing a web application to simplify the assessment of investments in energy efficiency measures and to identify funding programs. ÖKOTEC is responsible for project coordination, the development of tools and training programs, and the implementation of numerous online seminars. BVE’s climate protection campaign will run for three years and is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMU).
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Increasing the energy efficiency of companies requires motivation, expert know-how, and measurable objectives. This is why we created INDUCE, a European consortium project with funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 program. INDUCE helps companies in the food industry establish energy management systems and develop energy efficient targets.
Under the guidance of a European advisory board, we conducted interviews with 15 participating companies from the food industry. Our aim was to understand their current situation and identify possible starting points for better employee involvement and appropriate energy performance indicators. From our analysis, we developed custom workshops and training programs for the employees of the companies we interviewed. We then designed “train-the-trainer” seminars and curricula for disseminating INDUCE methods to the 300 or so businesses that make up Germany’s food industry.
The EnPI-Connect in Practice project is for companies that want to introduce ISO 50001-certified energy management systems and improve their energy performance indicators and monitoring. The project is based on the key performance indicator (KPI) methodology (available in German) that ÖKOTEC and its partners developed on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. It was implemented in collaboration with the DENEFF and Fraunhofer ISI.
ÖKOTEC used the results of a previous study to plan the roll-out of a KPI system, which it put into action with the help of energy managers from the companies City Clean, Mercedes-Benz Berlin, and Stockmeyer. The system adheres to the ISO 50001:2018 and ISO 50006 standards and consists of energy metrics and efficiency monitoring for plants and manufacturing processes. It has since been used to identify the efficiency and emission reduction potentials of multiple plants in accordance with government regulations.
Pilot Program for an Energy Savings Meter: together with Co2online and ifeu; project managed by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA); funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2021–2022)
Induce – Anchoring energy management in corporate culture: together with various European partners such as Fraunhofer ISI, CIRCE, FIAB, Synyo, FPI, ECN, KWA, and ACTIA; supervised by Horizon 2020; funded by the European Commission (2018–2020)
Pilot Program for an Energy Savings Meter: together with Co2online and ifeu; project managed by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA); funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2016–2019)
Funding Competition for Energy Efficiency: partnered with the project manager VDI/VDE.IT; funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2016-2020)
EnPI-Connect in Practice: together with DENEFF and Fraunhofer ISI; funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (2017–2019)
The pilot program Savings Meter (“Einsparzähler”) of the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control funds digital business models for energy efficiency. Since January 2021, the Project Office has been supporting program realization.
The food industry is taking a pioneering role with the PlusPlus Principle climate protection campaign of the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries, as this is the first climate protection campaign aimed at an industrial sector.
We have already had contact with many of our customers on energy performance indicators (EnPIs) in the wake of the standard revision of ISO 50001 and the increased requirements for evidence of improvement in energy-related performance (ebL).