Our commitment to sustainability

At the vanguard of climate action

The success of the cleanenergy transition will hinge in no small part on the promotion of greater energy efficiency. Dr. Christoph Zschocke, a Founder and Managing Partner of ÖKOTEC, has been working for decades to ensure that the regulatory environment is designed to encourage companies to become more energy efficient. Dr. Zschocke is a founding member of the German Initiative for Energy Efficiency (DENEFF) and an active member of the Energy Policy Commission of Family Businesses.

Our services and our software help companies to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprints.

Dr. Christoph Zschocke Geschäftsführer und Gründer von ÖKOTEC

Founder, Managing Director

Dr. Christoph Zschocke

“Regulatory policy should be designed to spur companies to become more energy efficient.”

Climate measures at ÖKOTEC

As part of our business activities, we actively strive to use resources responsibly and to minimize our carbon footprint. We undertook a first inventory of our corporate GHG emissions in 2018, and are conducting a new company carbon footprint every two years.

Each year, we also set ourselves ambitious targets across the areas markets & clients, products & innovation, organizational development & processes and human resources & leadership, and we monitor our progress with relevant indicators and KPIs.

How we embrace responsibility

Our company offices are located in an LEED Platinum certified building on the EUREF-campus in the Berlin district of Schöneberg.
Mitarbeitende arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Projekt
We purchase food, cleaning products, and office materials from sustainable suppliers based on ecological criteria.
We purchase electricity from “Naturstrom”, a renewable energy pioneer and one of the few providers offering Gold Standard renewable electricity.
We use energy-saving light bulbs and LEDs in our offices and only drink (climate-friendly) tap water.
A very large share of our business travel is conducted using public transportation. We also compensate for carbon emissions from unavoidable air travel and other business trips by purchasing carbon offsets from Atmosfair.
Mit dem Fahrrad auf dem Bahnsteig
Our team uses public transportation and bicycles to commute to work.