
Digital business models for energy efficiency

Project office savings meter commissioned

Projektbüro Einsparzähler promotes digital business models

The pilot program Savings Meter (“Einsparzähler”) of the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control funds digital business models for energy efficiency. Since January 2021, the Project Office has been supporting program realization.

On behalf of the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), the “project office Savings Meter” has been supporting the implementation of the pilot program of the same name since January 2021. The project office is a consortium of co2online, ÖKOTEC, ifeu and SEnerCon. Over the next one to two years, the project office will provide methodological and organizational support to the funding authority BAFA and the companies sponsored in the energy-saving meter program. In addition to the preparation of concepts, expert reports and fact sheets, this also includes the quality assurance of measurement concepts during on-site visits and the organization of events.

“The savings meter promotes the development of innovative business models among residential, commercial and industrial customers that measure the efficiency of energy consumers and demonstrate saving successes. Our company has been heavily involved in the development of subsidies since its founding. In the first funding phase of the savings meter, over 60 innovative business ideas have already been considered.”

Dr. Christoph Zschocke,
Management ÖKOTEC

The goal is to exploit the trend towards digitization for energy efficiency

Since 2016, the German government has been promoting digital business models for energy efficiency through the pilot program savings meters. The aim is to save electricity, heat or other energy sources with the help of digital technologies and platforms. More than 70 energy service providers, energy suppliers or metering technology providers are currently implementing savings meter projects. The business models of the funded companies are aimed at industrial customers, private households, commercial customers or public institutions.

The special feature of the savings meter program is that it provides performance-based funding. Part of the government financial contribution is only paid out if energy savings are measurably achieved. The installation of digital metering and transmission technology is also eligible for funding under the program.

A consortium consisting of co2online, ÖKOTEC and ifeu already provided technical support for the pilot program in the form of the ” project office Savings Meter” from 2016 to 2019. This previous experience can now be built on.

The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) administers the pilot program Savings Meter for the Federal Ministry of Economics.

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