
More efficiency and climate protection

Energy performance indicators in practice: EnPI-Connect

energy performance indicators in practice

We have already had contact with many of our customers on energy performance indicators (EnPIs) in the wake of the ISO 50001 standard revision and the increased requirements for evidence of improvement in energy-related performance (ebL).

With ÖKOTEC’s indicator methodology, EnPIs for supply, building and process technologies can be developed taking into account influencing factors and an improvement can be demonstrated. In the BMU-funded project “EnPI-Connect”, ÖKOTEC’s indicator methodology was further developed and subjected to a practical test with EnEffCo® at the application companies City Clean (services), Daimler Berlin (automotive) and Stockmeyer (food).

Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU), expressed her satisfaction with the results at the closing event:

“After the energy industry, industry is the second largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions. It is expected to save a further 40 million tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide) by 2030. With “EnPI-Connect” there is now a method that can be a key on the way to greater efficiency and climate protection. I hope that the method will be widely used in industry.“

Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU)

Here you can find the presentation of the benchmark practice report of City Clean.

Die im Rahmen von EnPI Connect entstandenen Broschüren – praxisnahe Leitfäden für Energiemanager und Controller – finden Sie nachfolgend. Der erste Teil bietet einen Überblick zur Effizienzmethodik. Der zweite Teil enthält einen Einführungsplan, der Energiemanager dabei unterstützt, die Methodik Schritt für Schritt einzuführen:

We are happy to support you with questions and with the development and implementation of indicator concepts for areas with significant energy use (“Significant Energy Uses / SEUs”) and with target group-specific training in the subject area.

More information

If you are interested, please inform yourself about the seminar “Energy indicators and influencing factors according to ISO 50001 i.V.m. ISO 50006 and ISO 50015 (German)” of our ÖKOTEC experts at the GUTcert Academy.

The EnPI-Connect project was carried out by ÖKOTEC, DENEFF and Fraunhofer ISI; funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

Your contact

Knut Grabowski Team Energieeffizienz-Controlling

Knut Grabowski

Head of EnEffCo® Research & Development

    Do you have further questions?

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