Scope 3 Emissions in Greenhouse Gas Accounting
While many companies are already making progress in recording and reducing their direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2), Scope 3 emissions still represent a challenge for many companies.
15 steps to climate neutrality
In cooperation with GUTcert and the registered organization German Corporate Initiative Energy Efficiency (DENEFF), ÖKOTEC publishes an updated guide that supports companies on their way to climate neutrality.
Whether emissions trading, access to financing on the market and to subsidies, transparency obligations and the recently enacted Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG): The political framework conditions for companies are tightening so that the European Union and the German government can achieve the energy and climate protection goals they have set themselves by 2050 and 2045 respectively. At the same time, energy and climate management can hardly be separated from each other in practice.
In view of the legal developments and the complexity of the subject area itself, the guidelines offer a compact overview in six stages and 15 steps. The aim and objective of the cooperation partners’ team of experts is to provide those responsible for energy and climate in companies with guidance on a systematic approach and to utilize as many synergies as possible from an existing energy and environmental system.
“The emission reduction targets require an intensification in the operationalization and implementation of actions at the company site. For the update of the guidelines, we have focused on how to create a robust action roadmap. This enables responsible persons in the company to avoid and reduce greenhouse gases in a targeted manner.”
Armin Kühn
Senior Consultant, ÖKOTEC Energiemanagement GmbH
Each stage and each step contains extensive information, illustrations and many practical tips. In addition, company examples from practice illustrate what individual climate management solutions can look like.
The first version of the “From energy to climate management” guide was created and published in summer 2021. The project partners are GUTcert and DENEFF.
While many companies are already making progress in recording and reducing their direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2), Scope 3 emissions still represent a challenge for many companies.
A product carbon footprint (PCF) shows how many greenhouse gas emissions a product is responsible for over its life cycle and the resulting measures for climate protection.
Networks are an important building block for achieving the German government’s energy and climate protection targets. This year, we are offering you four options for participating in a network and benefiting from the many advantages.