
From application to strategy

Step by step to a transformation concept – new guide published

Leitfaden Schritt für Schritt zum Transformationsplan

The guide explains the steps required to develop a funded concept for climate neutrality and has been published by ÖKOTEC, GUTcert and the German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency e.V. (DENEFF).

The “master plan” for corporate climate neutrality

Since November 2021, companies can receive 50% funding or a maximum funding amount of €80,000 for a climate neutrality concept via the funding scheme “Transformation Concepts”. Questions often arise when applying for funding and planning a decarbonization roadmap. Here the guide starts and leads companies step by step from the application and to the creation of the transformation concept.

„The funded concept development for corporate climate neutrality offers companies the opportunity to develop a concrete roadmap for the transformation towards climate neutrality. The guide “Transformation Concepts” assists companies in taking advantage of this opportunity.”

Dr. Christoph Zschocke
Managing Partner of ÖKOTEC Energiemanagement

Download guide transformation concept (in German)

The first part of the guide identifies the most important strategic issues in relation to the desired climate neutrality and sets out the framework conditions of the funding program.

The second part of the guide explains the individual elements of a transformation concept: the assessment of the current status, the development of reduction targets and the development of savings concepts and measures.

The final step is to embed the topic in the corporate structure.

The appendix provides readers with a possible content structure for a transformation concept and a checklist of the required application documents. Graphics and a list of practical tips and tricks supplement the descriptions.

Partner of the project are: GUTcert and DENEFF

Editor’s note: With the amendment to the promotion of energy and resource efficiency on February 15, 2024, further incentives were created for companies to invest more in climate protection measures. As part of the adjustments, the “Transformation Concept” (Module 5) was renamed “Transformation Plan”. We have updated our guide accordingly. You can find an overview of all the changes here.

Contact information

Mareike Hoffmann – Climate Management & Communications

Mareike Hoffmann

Head of Climate Management & Communications

Steffen Held Team Sales & Project Management

Steffen Held

Senior Account & Project Manager

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