
Continuity in funding for investments in climate protection

Update on funding for energy and resource efficiency

German governement subsidaries for transformation concepts

The “Federal Subsidy for Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Economy” (EEW) was amended on February 15, 2024. The aim is to provide further incentives for companies to invest more in climate protection actions.

The EEW is a broad-based funding program and is aimed at both large and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from industry and commerce. The range of funding objects extends from smaller energy efficiency measures to large process and waste heat projects and strategic concepts for climate neutrality.

Summary of the main changes at a glance

In addition, various options are possible in module 4:

Applications for funding can be submitted to BAFA for the grant variant and to KfW or the loan variant with repayment subsidy. Applications for transformation plans and the funding competition can be submitted to the VDI/VDE-IT project management organization.

Further information

Do you have questions about funding for energy and resource efficiency? We will be glad to help you!

Steffen Held Team Sales & Project Management

Steffen Held

Senior Account & Project Manager

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