
Public Entities

ETA-Fabrik, TU Darmstadt

Optimized operation of power generation plants

By using EnEffCo® since 2017 with more than 2.000 license data points, a flexible operational management of utility plants could be achieved. The project was implemented as part of the BMWK PHI-Factory funding program.

The Challenge

As part of the Phi Factory R&D project, the Technical University of Darmstadt is developing new methods of making power plant operation more flexible and energy efficiency. ÖKOTEC assisted with the forecasting and assessment of flexibility potentials for two cogeneration plants with combined heat storage.

Thanks to ÖKOTEC, CHP operation is now cost-optimized in alignment with market demand. ÖKOTEC has taken a huge step forward in the marketing of flexibility.

Jessica Walther,
Project Manager

Solution and Implementation

  • ÖKOTEC developed an operational flexibility solution based on the EnEffCo® energy management application.
  • The solution provides for the continuous forecasting of power and heat loads as an operational management parameter.
  • CHP power generation is optimized based on power prices while taking efficient heat storage and use into account.
  • Operational flexibilities are marketed through the local utility provider.


  • Powerful Interfaces: For instance, to integrate weather data and forecasts.
  • Heat and Power Demand Prediction: Improved forecasting in 15-minute intervals ensures efficient heat utilization.
  • Automated Systems Management: Fully automated optimization of complex operational environments.
  • Interface for Optimized Energy Distribution: Direct interface to utility provider ensures cost-efficient heat and power distribution.
  • Advancing the Clean Energy Transition: Thanks to the harnessing of latent flexibility potential.
Dr. Alexander Weber Team Energieeffizienz-Controlling

Dr. Alexander Weber

Teamleiter EnEffCo® Software Architecture

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