
Research project with DENEFF and Fraunhofer ISI

Research partners for carbon-neutral process heat

Klimaneutrale Prozesswärme

Are you currently planning actions to decarbonize process heat generation or would you like to be a pioneer in carbon-neutral heat supply? Together with DENEFF and Fraunhofer ISI, ÖKOTEC has launched the project WEIT: “Heat Efficiency through Industrial Transformation”. This funded project aims to drive the energy transition and accelerate the deployment of energy-efficient, carbon-neutral process heat solutions. The project is scheduled to start in summer of 2024, for a duration of three years.

What are the benefits for you as a research partner?

You save costs and minimize your risk during project implementation and ongoing operation. Our experienced energy efficiency experts will advise you on the analysis and regulation of your new system as part of the subsidized project.

Project structure – work packages and implementation period

Project structure WEIT: “Heat Efficiency through Industrial Transformation”
Project structure – work packages and implementation period

Is my company suitable as a research partner?

You are eligible as an industry partner for the project if you meet at least three of the following criteria:

Participation as an industrial partner is envisaged via your financial contribution in the form of third-party funding.

Reliability and efficiency of process heat generation

The project was successfully submitted to the German government’s “Carbon neutral heating and cooling” funding call – companies and research institutions had previously been invited to compete for ideas on the best research projects to help accelerate the heat transition.

The aim of our research project is to analyze the reliability and efficiency of carbon-neutral process heat solutions in different load conditions and operating conditions using measurement technology over a longer period of time. The findings obtained from this will be incorporated into information materials in a generalized form, without being able to draw conclusions about processes.

ÖKOTEC as an experienced research partner

Our claim is to equip users and specialist departments in companies with forward-looking and digital solutions in order to be able to fully exploit ecological and economic potentials of energy efficiency and energy flexibility.

We have proven this in numerous research and development projects together with scientific institutions and partners from practice. A combination of technology, interdisciplinary know-how, creativity and committed personalities at ÖKOTEC leads us to success.

The project WEIT: “Heat Efficiency through Industrial Transformation” is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). In the project we cooperate with:


Are you interested in participating? We will be happy to advise you personally.

Steffen Held Team Sales & Project Management

Steffen Held

Senior Account & Project Manager

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Klimaneutrale Prozesswärme

Research partners for carbon-neutral process heat

Are you currently planning actions to decarbonize process heat generation or would you like to be a pioneer in carbon-neutral heat supply? A funded project aims to accelerate the use of energy-efficient, carbon-neutral process heat solutions.

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