Guide for the food industry published
Guide to climate protection: On the way to climate neutrality
The Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Ernährungsindustrie – BVE) published its newly developed guide, which was created in collaboration with ÖKOTEC and ZNU (Zentrum für Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung) as part of the “PlusPlus -Prinzip” climate protection campaign.
A systematic overview of the key measures and activities for corporate climate protection in the food industry, underpinned by concrete recommendations, useful tips and catchy visualizations, as well as links to further information, characterize this practical guide.
Relevant answers for the food industry
The guide is specifically geared towards the features and challenges of the food industry. It looks at the most important measure, levers and approaches for the medium-sized German food industry, one of the largest industrial sectors in Germany.
The chapters of the guide at a glance:
- Climate protection – Why?
- Climate protection – from a greenhouse gas balance to an emission reduction strategy
- Climate protection in practice – concrete measures for the food industry
- Compensation approaches – recommendations and risks
- Communication – tips and pitfalls
- Conclusion
When it comes to climate protection, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for companies. Which measures make sense depends, among other things, on the company’s location and the products it produces. The guide looks at various approaches to provide the best possible support for companies. The focus of the measures presented is on avoiding and reducing the company’s own greenhouse gas emissions.
Specific measures for climate protection
Chapter 3 “Climate Protection in practice” in particular benefitted from the many years of consulting experience of the ÖKOTEC experts. In addition to starting points and levers for process cooling, process heat, room air technology, compressed air and the integration of renewable energies, success factors for the methodical approach and an exemplary roadmap for climate protection are presented.
The guide “Successfully implementing ambitious climate protection. On the way to climate neutrality” is published as part of the BVE climate protection campaign “PlusPlus-Prinzip” (PlusPlus Principle). The campaign is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).
The guide is a living object and will be updated as new developments or legal conditions arise.
You can download the climate protection guide here (German)
Further information (German only)
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Dr. Hans Rüdiger Lange
Head of EnEffCo® Technology & Product Management