Energy performance indicators in practice
EnPI-Connect: BMU honors energy-efficient companies

During the Berlin Energy Days, the BMU presented awards to Daimler Berlin, Stockmeyer and City Clean for their commitment to climate protection. They successfully introduced energy indicators in a practical test.
Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Environment Ministry, presented awards to Daimler Berlin, Stockmeyer and City Clean for their commitment to climate protection at the Berlin Energy Days. The companies used the new “EnPI-Connect” method, which ÖKOTEC developed with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, to scrutinize their energy consumption in order to be able to implement targeted energy efficiency measures in the company in the future. As part of a practical test, they successfully introduced energy indicators that make energy use in the production process measurable.
„In Germany today, the industrial sector is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions after the energy industry. By 2030, it will have to save another 40 million tons of CO2. With “EnPI-Connect,” there is now a method that can be a key on the path to greater efficiency and climate protection. I hope that the method will be widely used in industry and thank the companies for their participation in the project“
Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary
The method for the introduction of energy performance indicators EnPI-Connect was developed by the company ÖKOTEC and in a further step subjected to a practical test together with the German Business Initiative Energy Efficiency (DENEFF), Fraunhofer ISI and the participating companies.
Dr. Christoph Zschocke, Managing Director of ÖKOTEC expressed his satisfaction with the project results:
„The practical test demonstrated the benefits for the users of the KPI method, as the participating companies were able to increase their energy efficiency. We have summarized the results and experiences with the application in practice in guides in order to make the method accessible to as many companies as possible.“
Dr. Christoph Zschocke
Managing Director of ÖKOTEC Energiemanagement GmbH
Claire Range, manager of energy efficiency in industry at DENEFF, adds:
„Companies in almost all industries can also benefit economically from increasing their energy efficiency. But if energy efficiency is not core business or energy consumption is not the focus of controllers, potential savings often remain untapped. This is precisely where EnPI-Connect comes in. The positive feedback from companies shows that the method works in practice.“
Claire Range, DENEFF
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Image: © DENEFF, v.l.n.r.: Eike Christiansen (BMU), Dr. Christoph Zschocke (ÖKOTEC), Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (BMU), Martin Bornholdt (DENEFF), Christian Noll (DENEFF).