Economic evaluation according to EN 17463 ValERI
Implementation obligations of energy efficiency measures
Cost-effectiveness plays a central role in the implementation decisions of energy efficiency measures and renewable energies in companies. Until now, companies were largely free to decide on the way in which cost-effectiveness was assessed, the choice of investment ratios and interpretation of the results. The tense situation on the energy markets and supply shortages cause by the import stop of gas from Russia lead to regulatory changes.
Regulation affects companies over 10 gigawatt hours of energy consumption per year
In October 2022, the German Ordinance to Secure Energy Supply via Measures Effective in the Medium Term (EnSimiMaV) came into force[1]. The aim is to use additional energy-saving measures to prevent a shortages in Germany, reduce dependence on energy supplies from abroad and cut energy costs.
As part of the “compliance effort for business”, companies with an annual energy consumption of 10 gigawatt hours or more are obliged to implement economic measures. All measures that have a positive net present value after a maximum of 20 percent of their operating life are considered economic[2]. Concrete requirements for the economic evaluation refer to the standard DIN EN 17463 Valuation of Energy Related Investments (ValERI).
Calculation of the net present value for the economic evaluation according to ValERI
DIN EN 17463 describes which information is to be collected, evaluated and documented for the economic evaluation. The focus is on calculating the net present value in several scenarios. The standard defines economic efficiency exclusively on the basis of this key investment figure. In addition to actual cash flows, non-financial effects of measures are also taken into account, such as noise reductions due to quieter machines or more pleasant lighting conditions.
Furthermore, the EnSimiMaV requires that the implementation of measures is to be confirmed by certifiers, environmental auditors or energy auditors. The reasons if measures have not been implemented need to be equally confirmed.
We support you in the evaluation of measures and the obligation to implement them
Our experts support you in workshops and consultations with our expertise and a calculation solution that covers all possible parameters.
Companies with our EnEffCo® software can implement and track the requirements for the economic efficiency assessment and the scenarios via the “ISO 50001 measures management” module.
Further information on implementation obligations for energy efficiency measures
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[1] Term of the Medium-Term Energy Supply Assurance Measures Ordinance (EnSimiMaV): October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2024 (as of Nov. 7, 2022).
[2] Measures for plants requiring a permit pursuant to Section 4 of the Federal Emission Control Act are excluded, provided that more specific requirements for the implementation of energy efficiency measures exist for these plants