
Jointly driving energy efficiency and climate protection

ÖKOTEC launches five networks in 2021

ÖKOTEC launches networks for energy efficiency

Energy efficiency networks have been an integral part of ÖKOTEC’s business since its beginnings over 22 years ago. Over 50 networks have been accompanied by our team of experts in various roles.

The aim is to work with companies on energy efficiency and climate protection to achieve a noticeable reduction in energy costs and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions amongst the participating companies.

The representatives from each company usually meet in person for so-called network meetings at a participating company. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, 27 of 33 meetings took place via video conference. However, this did not hinder lively and fruitful discussions, as the interest in the topics and the exchanges was high. The development of a Company Carbon Footprint, the electrification of heat supplies, the use of waste heat, subsidy programs, energy efficiency monitoring and preparation for external audits of the ISO 50001 standard were among the focal points of the network meetings in recent months.

Network Hanse: 15 companies from northern Germany extend their collaboration

ÖKOTEC initiated the Network Hanse in 2018 and was awarded as a pioneer network by the Federal Ministry of Economics in 2020. All participating representatives have decided to continue the network. The first meeting of the second round took place on 18.02.2021. Participants meet four times a year for technical presentations, site visits and to share experiences over the next three years. Steffen Held, Senior Account & Project Manager at ÖKOTEC, leads the network and moderates the meetings.

Network MWV: Third round of the petroleum industry association launched on April 20, 2021

Carsten Ernst from Ökotec has supported the network for energy efficiency and climate protection for the petroleum industry association as the moderator and technical advisor since 2016. On April 20, 2021, the first network meeting of the third network extension took place. Officials from nine refineries and companies with refinery-like processes meet three times a year to exchange ideas on energy efficiency and climate protection topics. The Fuels and Energy trade association, en2x, replaces MWV and the Institute for Heat and Mobility (IWO) to work with its member companies towards achieving the Paris climate targets.

Network “Middle-Germany”: 10 companies kicking off new network

Ökotec expert, Sylvia Jacobi accompanies the network meetings, offers consultations at the participating companies and coordinates target setting and monitoring as part of the initiative for energy efficiency and climate protection networks. Johann Behrends, of Behrends Consult, moderates the network. The first network meeting took place on April 29, 2021.

Network vero: Second round for companies in the construction and raw materials industry started on September 15, 2021

Seven companies from the building materials sector are continuing the successful collaboration of the first network period (2018-2021), in which over 6,800 MWh/a of end energy and 2,500 tCO2/a were saved. In addition to concrete industry-specific technical issues in quarries and asphalt mixing plants, measures to reduce CO2 emissions are being developed and implemented across the board – e.g. CO2-neutral in-house power generation with photovoltaic systems. ÖKOTEC experts Carsten Ernst and Pascal Thiel will accompany the vero network over the next three years.

New network starts for seven companies in the industrial park DOW in Lower Saxony

On November 17, the new ÖKOTEC network for energy and climate protection management for companies started in the industrial park DOW in Stade. Seven companies have teamed up to address energy efficiency and climate protection. The network will meet three times a year to exchange experiences over the next four years. Dr. Kirsten Kubin, Head of Energy Efficiency at ÖKOTEC, moderates the network. Additional technical expertise is provided by ÖKOTEC expert Sylvia Jacobi.

What is an energy efficiency and climate protection network?

An energy efficiency and climate protection network is a systematic, targeted and non-bureaucratic exchange of experiences and ideas usually between 8 to 15 companies or individual sites over a period of typically two to three years to jointly increase energy efficiency and implement climate protection, resource efficiency or sustainability measures. The aim of the networks is to achieve a lasting improvement in the companies’ energy efficiency and a noticeable reduction in energy costs and environmental impact.

Energy efficiency and climate protection networks are an important component of the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (NAPE). The Initiative for Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Networks (IEEKN) bundles these activities. Representatives of the German government and leading German industry associations and organizations signed an agreement on the implementation of energy efficiency networks at the end of 2014.

The German government and 21 business associations and organizations signed a new agreement for the period 2020-2025, with the aim of establishing up to 350 new networks by the end of 2025, saving up to six million tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year. For more information please visit: www.effizienznetzwerke.org

ÖKOTEC manages 10 networks as part of the IEEKN

ÖKOTEC supervises the following networks within the IEEKN in addition to the presented networks:

Are you interested in participating in a network? We would be pleased to hear from you!

ÖKOTEC is planning various new networks in cooperation with partners, e.g. for the food industry and on sustainability and climate protection topics.

Mareike Hoffmann – Climate Management & Communications

Mareike Hoffmann

Head of Climate Management & Communications

Steffen Held Team Sales & Project Management

Steffen Held

Senior Account & Project Manager