
Reducing energy consumption with waste heat

Waste Heat

Many industrial companies generate waste heat that can be used to generate energy and increase energy efficiency. As part of the Efficiency Act, companies with an annual energy consumption of more than 2.5 GWh are obliged to record and report the waste heat situation on site. In addition, companies are obliged to avoid and use waste heat recovery.

Abwärme - ÖKOTEC Energiemanagement

Transparency about the potential

Waste Heat Utilization and Heat Integration

By using their waste heat efficiently, companies can not only meet legal requirements but also achieve significant cost savings. We support you in identifying the right combination of heat sources and sinks and in mastering the high level of complexity caused by the interaction of different technologies.

Industrial waste heat offers outstanding opportunities for energy recovery and therefore energy efficiency potential for companies. Recording and evaluating the combination of heat sources and heat sinks on site is complex. We support you with our systematic approach.

  • What new obligations and requirements arise in connection with waste heat and the Energy Efficiency Act?
  • How do we implement the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Act in our company on time?
  • How do you identify and evaluate waste heat sources?
  • Which technologies and processes are best suited to waste heat recovery in our specific production environment?
  • How can we ensure that our waste heat recovery strategy is effective and sustainable in the long term?

Leading Consultant

Sylvia Jacobi

„Waste heat recovery offers companies the opportunity to reduce their energy costs and improve their carbon footprint.“

Sylvia Jacobi Team Energieeffizienz

Our Consulting Services

Waste Heat Register as Per the Energy Efficiency Act

  • On-site audits of existing process and energy data
  • Recording, systematic recording and documentation of relevant energy flows
  • Spatial localization of heat sources and creation of a heat/waste heat register
  • Calculation of waste heat quantities and creation of load profiles to determine the potential of waste heat sources
  • Determination and documentation of annual information for the federal waste heat platform
Industrielle Anlage aus der Sicht einer Wärmebildkamera
Depiction of heat flows in an industrial system using a thermal imaging camera
Wärmequellen- und Senkenanalyse Abwärme aus Druckluft
Example: Investigation of waste heat from compressed air
(Copyright ÖKOTEC Energiemanagement GmbH)

Heat Source and Sink Analysis

  • Localization of heat sources and sinks
  • Determination of potential for heat sources and heat sinks
  • Analysis of sources and sinks with regard to which sources can be coupled with which sinks
  • Prioritization of heat source and sink combinations according to economic efficiency
  • Development of technical solutions for the redesign of the heating network

Overall Concept for Heat Recovery and Waste Heat Recovery

  • Heat source and sink analysis to determine heat quantities, temporal progressions, temperature levels and spatial distances
  • Prefer in-process heat recovery to waste heat recovery in other processes
  • Development of a customized solution concept incl. profitability analysis and recommendations for action
Heat pumps in industry for waste heat recovery
Space and process heat from heat pumps (Copyright ÖKOTEC Energiemanagement GmbH)

Flyer on waste heat recovery and capture

Drawing Up a Heat Register

Do you need more information on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Act in relation to waste heat?

  • Your way to the heat register
  • Your advantages
  • Heat register with EnEffCo®
Food Pinch: Energieeinsparung durch dynamische Pinch-Regelung

Food Pinch research project

Energy saving with software-based pinch control

In the Food Pinch research and development project, ÖKOTEC and RWTH Aachen LTT are developing solutions to intelligently connect heat sources and sinks in the food industry. An automated control system makes it possible to respond to the dynamic processes in food production and save energy in the long term.

News about waste heat

Flexible Wärmeintegration mit der dynamischen Pinch-Analyse

Flexible heat integration with dynamic pinch analysis

The food industry requires a lot of heat and cold. The aim of the Food Pinch research project is to use heat and cold more efficiently and to put waste heat flows to further use. Researchers are developing and testing a dynamic pinch analysis for this purpose.

Wärmepumpen in der Industrie zur Abwärmenutzung

Heat pumps in industry for waste heat recovery

Heat pumps in industry are a key technology on the path to decarbonization, as they enable the electrification of heat generation and can therefore replace oil and gas as energy sources. We summarize the possible applications, potential for you.

Need expertise on the subject of waste heat? We would be happy to consult you!

Steffen Held Team Sales & Project Management

Steffen Held

Senior Account & Project Manager