
EnEffCo® Consultant

M.Sc. Daniel Alex

As an EnEffCo® Consultant Daniel Alex focuses on the topics project management, interfaces, data processing, energy performance indicators and evaluations. He regularly conducts training courses for various target groups within companies who either want to introduce EnEffCo® or further develop its application.

Daniel Kibscholl Team Energieeffizienz-Controlling

“At ÖKOTEC, I appreciate the team spirit and the amazing support by colleagues when help is needed. The respectful, friendly and open interaction with each other is also an important factor for me in my daily work.”

About Daniel Alex

Which project was special?

I have particularly fond memories of a project at an international car manufacturer. The colleagues on the client’s side were very open-minded and committed. It was a lot of fun and the project was able to move forward quickly and efficiently. The collaboration was very productive and we were able to find synergies between the different skill sets and knowledge bases.

What client feedback motivated you the most?

Clients’ general satisfaction with the work done and the software itself makes me happy. What motivates me especially is if I can also peak the client’s interest in additional functionalities and options and trigger their ambition to implement them together.

My expertise and focus areas